French Press

A French press is an inexpensive way to make 1-4 cups of coffee without the use of fancy equipment. Coarse grinds are added to a glass carafe and then hot water is added via kettle. The grounds are stirred well for a few seconds and allowed to brew for approximately 4 minutes. Next the plunger containing the straining screen is inserted into the carafe and slowly depressed, pushing the coffee grounds to the bottom. Then the coffee is poured out into a coffee cup. There is no paper filter, so a more robust taste results as more oils are allowed to steep into the brewed coffee. Be sure to use coarse grinds only for proper extraction, or else you will have a lot of sediment in your coffee.

  • Use coarsely ground coffee.
  • Use water heated to approximately 200 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Steep 4 minutes and then strain the coffee.
  • Use it immediately.

Make sure to pour and use your coffee immediately after brewing and do not allow the coffee to sit in the device for a long period. If the coffee is allowed to sit inside the French press after brewing, is can become over extracted.