You can make your own Keto coffee at home by brewing fresh roasted coffee and adding heavy cream, organic coconut oil or butter!

The taste of fresh roasted coffee is amazing, so sweeteners are not needed to mask the bitterness of bad coffee.


In addition, you won’t have any ingredients which have been altered and processed into a powder like many ketogenic coffees on the market. Lastly, you will save money! Many of the pre-packaged “keto coffees” on the market are overpriced.


Many “Keto coffee” products consist of:


-Stale instant coffee


-Powdered processed medium chain triglycerides (MCT’S) such as grass-fed butter, coconut oil and palm oil. Yes you heard that right, the oil and butter is processed into a powder. (Some may claim to have C8 MCT or “Brain Octane” oil in it, which is usually just a combination of coconut and/or palm oil).


– Artificial or natural sweeteners. This is often used to mask the flavor of the stale and old instant coffee.


Our word of advice is to do your research on the products you buy and know what you are getting by reading product labels. Sometimes all you are paying for is fancy packaging.


What exactly is the keto diet?


The ketogenic diet is a popular diet used to lose weight. The principle behind it is substituting body’s main source of fuel (carbohydrates) for fats. Replacing the body’s fuel source with fat and restricting carbohydrates puts it into a state called ketosis and your body begins to burn fat for fuel instead of the glucose produced by the carbohydrates. There are several variations to the diet and the end result is weight loss and lowered blood glucose. Sugary foods, grains, processed foods, most fruits, root vegetables and beans are eliminated since they are high in carbohydrates and sugar. They are substituted instead for fats and proteins such as meats, cheese, eggs, butter, cream, low carbohydrate vegetables, nuts, avocados and healthy oils.


You may have heard of MCT’s in combination with a ketogenic diet. Medium chain triglycerides are found in coconut oil, palm oil and dairy products. These old may aid in weight loss when following a keto diet.


Please consult with your doctor before beginning any health or weight loss plan.