Grind Size

Grind size is essential to a perfect cup of coffee. Too coarse and the coffee will be sour and watery, too fine and your coffee will be bitter and over-extracted. If you are using an aero press or espresso machine, the flow rate is faster and contact time is shorter so you want to use a fine grind. For pour overs and Keurig style machines, you will want to use a medium-fine to medium grind size. A traditional drip maker is best with a medium to medium coarse grind. And lastly if you are using a French press or making cold brew you will want to use a coarse grind, due to the contact time with the water being longer.


Brewer Type Grind Size
French Press/Cold Brew/Percolator Coarse grind (Sea Salt)
Chemex Medium Coarse (Coarse Sand)
Drip Maker, Pour overs, Siphon Medium (Sand)
Drip maker, Pour Overs, Keurig, Aeropress Medium/Medium- Fine (Fine Sand)
Espresso Machine Fine (Table Salt/Powder)
Turkish Extra Fine (Powder)


Brewing Tips

Common problems from using incorrect grinds

Under Extracted= Sour, acidic, lacking sweet, salty

Over Extracted= Bitter, dry, hollow, empty, dull

Perfectly Extracted= Sweet, Complex, Balanced

We recommend a burr grinder, not a blade grinder for the most uniform grounds.